Friday, January 20, 2012


amusement |əˈmyo͞ozmənt|
the state or experience of finding something funny: we looked with amusement at our horoscopes.
• the provision or enjoyment of entertainment: an evening's amusement.
• something that causes laughter or provides entertainment: his daughter was an amusement to him.

In today's world if you have any down time whatsoever it is an absolute necessity to have some form of amusement. It's sad but totally true. Each day when I get home from school my top priorities are as follows:
1. Food
2.Shed my sweatshirt (which I shouldn't have in the first place because it's so stinking warm outside)
3. Food
4. Amusement from TV, phone, or computer
5. Food
7. Clean Kitchen
8. More Amusement
9. Amusement
10. Amusement
77. as a last resort to avoid homework
78. Homework <- Oh dear

So what have I been amusing myself with as of late? Well for the first one is a new app I found for my phone. It's a virtual assistant kind of like Siri. I spend too much time trying to get it to answer my philosophical questions and insulting it. Another time waster I've found, unfortunately, is mind-melting sites like and whatever that rage one is. Bottom line? I spend too much time amusing myself as opposed to getting out. So here's to semi-serious blogposts and late new years resolutions! I feel happy of myself now. 

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